Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hooray for blogs!!! So everyone has been making their own cute little blogs lately and I have always wanted to, but never felt like I had anything to say. So I am following the crowd and making one for my (can you believe it ALMOST) hubby and I!!! <3

Kevin and I met back in August 9 months ago....holy cow! Time flies! He got back from his mission in Brazil in the end of June, last year.
We met about a month later at family home evening. We were in the same ward, and they had thrown a dance at the Institute for FHE. Him and three of his best friends came together, and I was there with two of my best girlfriends. He had grown up with one of my girls, so when he saw us all together he came to say hi to her and meet the other two of us. We talked and had fun that night and a bunch of us went to IHOP  after the dance. A week or two later, him and his three friends planned a big group date....only he asked my best friend and I went with his best friend hahaha. They took us to the drive in movies and they brought a couch and pizza. We all had a blast. After that, 'The Krew' hung out several more times, but it soon became apparent who really liked who ;)

On our first official date, we drove up to Pine with two of our friends. We hiked around Tonto Natural Bridge all morning and then went to my friend's cabin to make dinner, watch movies, and, of course, have a dance party!

Well, as they say the rest is history. We spent an amazing four months together full of Halloween parties, haunted houses, Christmas dances, and road trips.

We had talked about marriage and we knew we were headed in that direction. We looked at rings when we went up to Idaho for Thanksgiving, and I started getting antsy. As Christmas drew closer and closer I was anxious; I was positive it was going to happen! On Saturday the 23rd of December I went to work and I was kinda bummed out; I knew it couldn't happen that night cause my aunt and cousins were coming over. Christmas Eve and Christmas were too cliche for him, and then we were headed up to Utah for a week! I accepted the fact that I probably wasn't going to happen till the middle to end of January....I could wait one more month, right?? Well, it turns out he woke up that morning and told himself, "It HAS to happen today!" So him and his family had a brainstorming party and hatched a plan. He texted me while I was at work and suggested that we do something fun that afternoon before going to my family's; he said we should either go goofy golfing or rock climbing. As it turns out, I hate rock climbing...and he knew that ;) So of  course I chose goofy golfing. He had the whole thing set up...including a secret photographer and videographer hiding in the bushes!

It's been almost four months since that day, and we are dying!! Hahaha but in only 5 short days WE WILL BE MARRIED!!!!!!! All of the plans have come together, and we are down to the small details. It has been my dream since I was a little little girl to get married in the San Diego Temple, and Kevin was wonderful enough to oblige :) We leave Wednesday to head up to California to take wedding pictures. Friday morning we will be sealed and Saturday evening we will be back here in AZ for the reception. I can't believe it is this close!! Only one more final away :)

I am so grateful for my wonderful life and how it is turning out, I feel so blessed <3 I cannot even begin to describe my gratitude to my Father in Heaven for everything I have. Here's to a life full of love, surprises, and laughter!! <3

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, seeing "janieshoe" at the end was crazy. you're getting MARRIED!! i still can't believe it! gosh. and i loved reading through your guys' story again. you guys are the greatest, i'm your biggest fan! and i'm so happy you're going to have a blog so i can stalk your life :] i love you, and i can't wait to see you get married this week!
